Houston Metropolitan Paralegal Association
Welcome Associate and Voting Members! Being a paralegal is about more than just legal tasks; this is a multifaceted career that requires adaptability, attention to detail, effective communication, and many others. HMPA recognizes that paralegals play a crucial role in the legal profession. Our goal is to empower our members by providing educational growth and creating a supportive environment for all to thrive. Whether you are looking to stay up to date on the latest legal developments, looking to network with other professionals, or simply looking to enhance your skills, HMPA is here to help you grow personally and professionally.
For more information about what membership is right for you click here.
Associate & Voting Membership Benefits
CLE events occur on the second Tuesday of each month. These events showcase guest speakers who share valuable information and resources related to the legal profession. Additionally, HMPA hosts its Annual Full Day Seminar. Sponsors of HMPA events receive prominent placement in all marketing materials for the event and highlighted under our Events page on the HMPA website. Our primary marketing channels include platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, and X (formerly known as Twitter). All CLE events will provide continuing education credit for attendees.
HMPA's newsletter, Burden of Proof, is a quarterly publication provided as a member benefit and is the primary vehicle of communication between the Board of Directors and the membership. All HMPA members are encouraged to submit articles of interest. HMPA's newsletter, Burden of Proof, provides meeting dates, student columns, professional development and placement resources, pro bono opportunities, vendor advertising, and other news concerning the legal profession.
HMPA's website (www.houstonparalegals.org) is instrumental to HMPA's communication with its members. Regular email broadcasts from HMPA's President and other directors keep HMPA members aware of current events, legal information, legal updates and much more. HMPA's membership information and application forms are accessible on HMPA's website. Our website features a Job Bank, which is password protected for access by HMPA members only. HMPA's website also has a calendar of upcoming events, event registration forms, member resource pages, as well as Board Member information.
There are many ways to get involved with HMPA such as becoming a committee member, submitting ideas for CLE events, become a student mentor, assist with teaching our CP review course, or even provide non-profits we can help support. HMPA is run by a team of volunteers who strive to make this organization a community, we can't do it alone.
If you are looking to get involved, please reach out to us at HMPA.Office@gmail.com.
Interested in becoming a Student Mentor?
Contact Mentorship@HoustonParalegals.org today!